الجمعة، 27 ديسمبر 2013

تابعو معنا كل ما هو جديد مع مدونه كورساتك Korsatak

مدونه جديده تابعوها معنا كل يوم درس جديد في المجالات 

مدونة كورساتك .. هتقدملك .. كورسات كمبيوتر .. 

كورسات لغات .. كوسات تنميه بشريه 

كورسات لكل المجالات .. تابعوها معنا

هناك تعليق واحد:

  1. جامعة المنيا
    Minia University
    Université de Minia
    Universidad de Minia

    The University seeks to provide the necessary elements of continuous development to keep abreast of the rapid scientific and technological developments and improve the university performance. The University works to achieve its mission through:

    • Preparing specialized technical cadres in various fields that meet the needs of the society and are required by the areas of comprehensive development.
    • And provide qualified personnel in the new disciplines required by the labor market.
    • Conduct scientific and applied researches and studies related to the problems of society and development programs.
    • Emphasizing noble human values, deepening the value of national loyalty and preserving the original principles of society.
    • Cultural and scientific ties between the university and scientific institutions and Arab and international universities and their documentation.
    • Continuous development of study programs and graduate programs to cope with scientific and technological progress.
